• Dari

How to play bowling using the proper technique

Bowling is a team sport that has become one of the most played nowadays. Interactive and competitive, the game requires lots of techniques and handiness in order to be properly played, qualities that can be improves towards exercise and practice! It also implies having fun with the dear ones and inflicts a positive energy state to you and the ones around you. Nowadays, it is one of the most played games, people preferring to play bowling more than playing on the computer. It is a game that requires inventively an dexterity. It is the game of the century!
So it is that one of the main things that have to be taken into account in order to play bowling properly is the posture. It is very important to maintain a proper position as long as you play, a position that implies strong muscles, head up and shoulders in a straight position according to the body. More, when you take the ball in your hands, it is recommended to have it formed a 90 degrees angle with the legs and the rest of the body. This will give you more strength in the hit and, implicitly, more dexterity. In what concerns the fingers, they should be kept straight in the holes of the ball, like bows. You may not feel your body relaxed but this is exactly what bowling implies, a lot of tension. When you release the ball, you will feel how all that tension disappears and creates a chain of free energy that will overwhelm you to a maximum level.
Furthermore, it is very important to mention that balance is one of the basics when it comes to bowling. Even if you feel your body tensioned, your body must balance from one point to another in order to be able to focus your energy upon a certain point. When you hit the ball, all your energy has to focus on your left or right foot and if your body is not balancing properly, you may risk sharing only half of the required energy which will lead to a lower hit level and, consequently to a slow ball which will not be able to hit the targets. The biggest mistake that all the beginners make is that they are not able to balance properly in order to focus their energy. Most of them use only parts of their energy and then they wonder why they cannot hit the ball with strength.
Nevertheless, another important thing consists in bowing your arm after the ball is released. Even if you bow your arm before releasing the ball, this will not help you very much in the tactics mentioned. In order to play bowling properly and, implicitly, hit the ball properly, you have to bow your arm up and down after you released the ball. This will keep the trajectory of the ball in the right direction and will not influence in a negative way hitting the target. If you will not bow your arm, you may take the chance to see the ball changing its trajectory permanently!

  • Dari to hold the ball in bowlingHow it is very important because holding it properly can change the whole course of the game. Like any sport, it takes practice to play well, but if you take it step by step, you can learn to play. The fundamental step is learning how to hold the ball. If you are holding it for the first time you have to observe the position of the holes and the angles they form with the rest of the ball and between them. The holes are the spots where your fingers will be placed and that is the reason why you will have to acquire them the biggest attention possible!
More, when you hold the ball, you must bear in mind that both of your hands are implied in the game. Even if you will throw with only one hand, the other hand will work as a support for the hitting hand, also called the dominant hand. With the dominant hand, you place your three fingers in the holes, keep them in a straight position and do not allow them to bow! Bowing fingers will automatically lead to disequilibrium of the movement which equals to a bad hit! You will use the other hand as a support of the ball! Please bear in mind that the ball is pretty hard and learning to throw it with one hand requires a lot of practice before succeeding! So, you take the other hand and keep it on the top of the ball. You will keep it like this, above the dominant hand, while you are balancing on your legs in order to gather your all energy and move it on one foot! When you will through the ball, you will automatically take the other hand and maintain the bowing with the dominant one!
Furthermore, it is very important to mention that the ball must be hold with the thumbs of the fingers. If you are wondering how you can hold so much weight only with your fingers, here is the answer for the role of the non-dominant hand. The non dominant hand supports the weight of the ball and it helps you with lifting and balancing it before the hit. When you throw the ball, you must bear in mind that you must lift it until it reaches your chin and then you will throw it on the platform. If you do not lift it until it reaches your chin’s level, you will not be able to equilibrate it properly and your hit will have the lowest quality possible!
All in all, it can be said that holding the bowling ball requires lots of practice and exercises. There also lots of people who think that you need talent in order to play bowling properly but still, this is not a must. Like any other sport, performance bowling is the result of special exercises that develop your muscles and the tactics of the game!

  • Dari

How to release the ball

Releasing the ball means understanding the axis rotation. Geometry is a very important subject when talking about axis, plans, and angles. When you release the ball, an entire geometrical construction is released also. What it is really important is the fact that you must be aware of these geometrical constructions before watching the ball running on the platform!
More, it can be said that spinning is the main arm of releasing the ball. You have to observe the ball spinning a lot of time before throwing it on the platform. The spinning must be smooth and it must amply the two axis of rotation, vertical and horizontal. Most of the people prefer to spin the ball watching the horizontal axe because it is easier and handier. Still, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Usually, the experts spin the ball using an oblique position according to the centre of the ball. The oblique position allows the force to be splattered between the two plans of the ball, fact that implicitly generates a better focus of transmitting your energy to the ball. Plans and axes are important and that is the reason why you should give them the maximum importance in order to be able to play bowling properly. If you opt for the spinning according to the horizontal axe, you have to be very careful to maintain a perfect separation between the two plans. If the upper plan is not perfectly defined, your ball will definitely change its trajectory and maybe even get out of the platform.
So it is that the axis tilt must be kept to a minimum. If you use the oblique representation of the ball, you will be able to have a very nice shot and maybe a few strikes also. It may be very hard for most of the people to find out that this game requires not only exercise but also a complete understanding of the space geometry. If you are basing only on exercise you might fail at the throwing the ball chapter, thing that it is quite obligatory for the rest of the game
Furthermore, a good thing that you could do in order to improve your axis rotation would be to find a good bowler who could watch you playing and teaching you exactly how to release the ball. He could explain you properly all these notions and could also explain them according to practical view. If someone sees you doing the same mistake over and over again and correcting you the same amount of times, you will be able to have very good throws after a few days!
All in all, it can be said that releasing the ball in bowling requires practice, a good knowledge of geometry and, implicitly a good geometrical view. Visualizing the angles will make you understand the road of the ball and, with a lot of practice, you will be able to have the perfect hit! It is just a matter of time until you will become one of the best bowling players!]\

Aiming in bowling is like throwing a ball in football. You have to establish the target and find the best moment for throwing the ball away when nobody pays attention. In what concerns bowling, you have to find the right spot that can demolish the equilibrium of the pieces, transforming your shot in the best possible one! How to aim a bowling ball-that’s a question that experienced bowlers occasionally have a hard time answering. The answer is also technical and based on observations. Aiming is also something you must feel and something that cannot be properly defined. It is a result of hours of practice and even the consult with experts who are doing this for a lifetime. More, the answer to “why aiming there?” cannot be given. The experts say that when they aim a spot, they concentrate all their positive energy upon it and, finally, they give the best strike in history!
So it is then after you take the ball in your hands and start bowing in order to arrange your equilibrium and put it on the foot you want, you have to look just below the ball to see how the platform can be visualized. If the visualization is complete and it is according to the center of the platform, which means that your aim is good. If your visualization is rather to a side or to the other, which means that you will have to aim again. Of course, you should practice aiming lots of times and from a lot of distances until you finally find the best point of aiming. You could also try aiming from various distances from the platform! Some players say that the best position is 5 or 10 feet from the platform while others are supportive for the 15 feet position. Aim is a factor that also depends on each player’s dexterity and ability of visualizing around. It is not an established rule and you will not find one anywhere. It is relative and a theory of relativity would definitely imply more calculus and math than any other exercise of descriptive geometry.
In this respect, you will that you will soon begin having higher and more consistent scores! You will do everything by practicing and finding the spot of your own. Aiming means learning the game, learning YOUR game. First of all, you have to develop your style and afterwards, everything will seem a piece of cake. After wall, bowling is a game that implies having fun with your friends and learning to focus all of your energy towards a certain point. Some people even practice it instead of yoga because they also consider it a very appropriate physical exercise and that is why they practice it like going to gym! It is very surprising to see lots of people who made out of bowling a performance sport, actively participated in championships organized by themselves and became local superstars! Bowling, like chess, is a game of the mind!

How to walk the approach

Walking the approach means finding the proper position between the preparation carpet and the platform, the perfect spot which will determine you’re walking towards throwing the ball. The approach is something that cannot be defined in any other way when it comes to bowling. Dictionary definitions do not require geometrical views and consistency in focusing energy. After all, walking the approach is a complementary issue of aiming and throwing the ball. Approach is a complementary term for aiming your target!
In this respect, it is very important that after you take the ball in your hands and start bowing in order to arrange your equilibrium and put it on the foot you want, you have to look just below the ball to see how the platform can be visualized. If the visualization is complete and it is according to the center of the platform, which means that your aim is good. If your visualization is rather to a side or to the other, which means that you will have to aim again. Of course, you should practice aiming lots of times and from a lot of distances until you finally find the best point of aiming. You could also try aiming from various distances from the platform! Some players say that the best position is 5 or 10 feet from the platform while others are supportive for the 15 feet position. Aim is a factor that also depends on each player’s dexterity and ability of visualizing around. It is not an established rule and you will not find one anywhere.
When aiming, as I was saying before, people choose different distance. Most of them opt for the established number of steps, which is four, but this is not a must, it is not a rule. Walking the approach is the time when you will be able to rapidly concentrate all your energy from one foot to another and to perform balance in the most appropriate way possible. After all, balancing is a very important part of walking the approach. While making these four steps, you will have to be able to keep the hand, focus, aim, concentrate and, the most important thing, balance. This is the most important time when playing bowling, the time which you will not be able to turn back anymore. It is the time when you will have to do everything perfect in order to develop a good estate of equilibrium and maximum concentration! While making those four or five steps, you will have leave to smoothly linger your legs one near the other in order not to consume your energy before strengthening up for throwing the ball!
Taking everything into account, it can be said that walking the approach in bowling is the result of lots of practice. The more you exercise, the more able you will be to score and make your team classify on the first place of the championship! It is a challenge you will have to take!